The Soul on Top Project is organized by the AbsTracks Association.
The AbsTracks Association (Verein AbsTracks) is an association (Verein) in the sense of art. 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code (Art. 60 ff. des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches / ZGB). The associations' goals are the propagation of values, ideas and perspectives as well as the promotion of art and culture.
Website of the AbsTracks Association:
Within the AbsTracks Association the Soul on Top Workgroup is responsible for the organization of the Soul on Top Project. The Soul on Top Workgroup is currently made of ten people. Most of us are b-boys who are members of the Circle Jesterz. Our core members are part of the team since the beginning of the Soul on Top Project in 2006 and are organizing Soul on Top for the eleventh time in a row.
All of us work in an honorary capacity without pay. If a Soul on Top event should generate a profit we will fully reinvest it in future Soul on Top events or other projects of the AbsTracks Association.
We are trying to make Soul on Top an unique experience for the b-boys and b-girls, the spectators and everyone involved. We are trying to make Soul on Top a bit better each year.
If you would like to contact us, write an e-mail to: